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The Third Annual Temecula History Day

Join us as we celebrate the legends and pioneers of Temecula at the second annual Temecula History Day event, hosted by the Community Services Department on SAT, OCT 11, 2025, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at Sam Hicks Monument Park (41970 Moreno Road) in Old Town Temecula.


Travel back in time to explore Temecula’s rich history with educational games such as Flood the Temecula Canyon, Great Oak Acorn Gathering, and Temecula Rooster Pull Race.  In addition, this free, community-wide, special event will include live music, tractor races, prizes, candy, and more!


Community Services District President and Mayor Pro Tem James ‘Stew’ Stewart commented, “Our beautiful City’s unique, rich history will be celebrated at Temecula History Day.  This is the perfect opportunity to learn all about our pioneers and legends who helped shape Temecula to what it is today!  This is truly an engaging, educational, and entertaining annual event that will provide fun for the whole family while celebrating our community’s Old Traditions and New Opportunities.”

Please visit for additional information.  For updates on this event and other events and programs from the Temecula Community Services Department, please follow @TemeculaParksAndRec on Facebook and Instagram.

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