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Out of the Archives


Out of the Archives is an new program brought to you by the Temecula Valley Museum, creating an educational experience for people of all ages. We are hopeful to introduce to you the items in our collection not normally shown to our community.


Please join us every fourth Sunday of each month from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm as we share the tools, clothing, scrapbooks and gadgets used by the people of Temecula from generations past.


Dates for this program are listed below:

JAN 26   MAR 23    APR 27    MAY 25    JUN 22

JUL 27    AUG 24    SEP 28    OCT 26    NOV 23   DEC 28

April 2024

The focus of April's installment of Out of the Archives was the history of Baseball in Temecula. Museum educators and special guest educators from the Temecula Dear Brothers Vintage Base Ball Club taught guests about the history of the game since 1886, the Dear family of Temecula, and the Dear Bros. Base Ball Team. Guests interacted with game-used gear provided by the Dear Bros. team and archived items curated by the museum. Photos are available for download by clicking the download button below.

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