Field Trips
The Temecula Valley Museum is designed with permanent and changing exhibits that allow visitors to take a self-guided tour introducing them to our local and period history.
Guided tours led by our trained and knowledgeable tour docents are also available of the museum and Old Town Temecula. Reservations are required for guided exhibit tours and historical walking tours of Old Town. A minimum of eight or more individuals are required for the tours.

The mission of our Museum is to share knowledge about the History, Legends and Lore of the Temecula Valley. One of the methods employed to accomplish this mission is providing tours through the Museum and through Old Town Temecula led by a specially trained cadre of Docents. These dedicated individuals volunteer their time, energy and talents and share their knowledge so that our visitors can enjoy a positive and enriching experience while learning about our Valley.
TWO of our most SIGNIFICANT CONCERNS while conducting our tours are the SAFETY and SECURITY of our visitors and our tour docents. Because of those concerns we have created some definitive standards that must be followed by our docents and school visitors during our tours.
The maximum number of people that we can safely handle at any one time is 60. This count includes students and adults. Any more than 60 people, per visit, must be approved by the Museum Manager prior to confirmation of the tour. Regardless of the total number, the schools are responsible for providing adult assistance for supervision at the ratio of 1 adult per 10 students. In order to accommodate our visiting student tours we generally split our groups into two segments and utilize the following schedule:
Group # 10 am – 11:15 am 11:15 am – 11:45 pm 11:45 pm to 1:15 pm
Group 1 Museum Lunch Old Town Walk
Group 2 Old Town Walk Lunch Museum
Museum and Old Town Temecula Tours are scheduled by calling
(951) 694- 6450 – Tuesday thru Friday from 10 am to 4 pm.
Museum staff will need to know the following in order to schedule your tour:
Name of the School, Facility, or Group
Mailing Address
2 different Dates that can work for your group
Contact Person
Email and Phone Number
Number of Students and Adults
Age Group and any other information important to your group
When booking your tour, please keep in mind that tours must be booked at least a month in advanced to allow for adequate time to schedule our volunteer docents. We also ask you to keep in mind we allow a MAXIMUM of 60 people per day, this includes students, chaperones, and teachers. Anything more must be approved by the Museum Manager. We ask for a 1:10 ratio of adults to students. In order for students to get the most out of our tours, we encourage you to use this ratio when including chaperones and adults.
After your tour is confirmed, you will receive a day-of information form that details the timeline of the tour as well as parking information and contact information. Please be aware, any changes in scheduling, time, or group size must be communicated, coordinated, and confirmed by museum staff.
An invoice will be sent as soon as exact numbers are communicated to museum staff and will come from the email This email tends to go to spam, please look there if you haven't received anything in your regular inbox. Our tours are $2 per person, this includes students, chaperones, and teachers. Payment can be taken any day between receiving the invoice and the scheduled day of the tour.
If a need arises to cancel, reschedule, or change your tour, please inform us within at least 48 hours.
We ask that all tour groups arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled tour to allow for restroom breaks, food storage, and assembling outside the museum. Arriving late reduces the time available for adequate tours.
Ever student is expected to observe the following rules when on our tour and within the museum and Old Town. Chaperones are expected to enforce the rules:
Museum Rules:
Walking feet should be used at all times, not running feet
Inside voices at all times
Respect tour guides by being attentive and not talking while they are talking
Raise hands if you have questions or an answer to a question
No touching objects unless given permission
Keep water and food on the provided cart, water my be brought on the walking portion of the tour
Clean up after yourself when your time is done in the Touch History area
Walking Tour Rules:
Stay with the group
Respect the devices used on the walking tour
Only cross the street when told to and when there is an adult with a stop sign
Stay on the sidewalk at all times
Respect nature and do not damage any plants
Due to the timed nature of our field trips, it's important to follow the rules of the museum in order to finish the tour at the scheduled time. Chaperones are expected to uphold these rules and act as role models for their students. We're excited to have you and hope everyone is ready to learn and have fun!